Vegan Sushi Rolls: How to Make Them with Trader Joe’s Sushi Rice and Veggie Rolls

If you’re looking for a healthy and delicious vegan meal, look no further than homemade sushi rolls. Making your own sushi rolls is easier than you might think, and with a few key ingredients and some basic sushi gear, you can create your own custom rolls that are packed with flavor and nutrition.

To get started, you’ll need some basic ingredients and sushi gear. Trader Joe’s sushi rice and nori sheets are great options for making vegan sushi rolls, and you can fill them with a variety of veggies like avocado, cucumber, bell peppers, and more. You’ll also need a bamboo or silicone sushi mat, a sharp knife, and some soy sauce and wasabi for dipping.

Key Takeaways

  • Homemade vegan sushi rolls are a healthy and delicious meal option.
  • Trader Joe’s sushi rice and nori sheets are great ingredients for making vegan sushi rolls.
  • With some basic sushi gear and a little practice, you can make your own custom sushi rolls at home.

Ingredients and Shopping Guide

If you’re looking to make vegan sushi rolls at home, you’ll need a few key ingredients. Here’s what you should look for when shopping for your sushi essentials.

Selecting the Best Produce

When it comes to selecting produce for your vegan sushi rolls, you want to choose ingredients that are fresh and flavorful. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Avocado: Look for avocados that are slightly soft to the touch, but not mushy. They should be a deep green color and free of any dark spots or blemishes.
  • Cucumber: Choose cucumbers that are firm and have a bright green color. Avoid any that are soft or have wrinkled skin.
  • Bell Pepper: Look for bell peppers that are firm and have a bright, glossy skin. They should be free of any soft spots or blemishes.
  • Carrot: Choose carrots that are firm and have a bright orange color. Avoid any that are soft or have a dull color.

Trader Joe’s Sushi Essentials

When it comes to making vegan sushi rolls, Trader Joe’s has everything you need. Here are a few of the essentials you’ll find at your local store:

  • Sushi Rice: Trader Joe’s sushi rice is the perfect base for your vegan sushi rolls. It’s short-grain rice that’s been specially milled to remove the bran and polish the grain, giving it a sticky texture that’s perfect for rolling.
  • Nori Sheets: Nori sheets are the thin, dried seaweed sheets that are used to wrap the sushi rolls. Trader Joe’s carries high-quality nori sheets that are perfect for making vegan sushi rolls at home.

With these ingredients in hand, you’ll be able to make delicious vegan sushi rolls right in your own kitchen. Happy rolling!

Basic Sushi Gear

If you’re looking to make vegan sushi rolls at home, there are a few essential tools you’ll need. Here’s a breakdown of the basic sushi gear you’ll need to get started:

Sushi Rice

The foundation of any good sushi roll is the rice. Trader Joe’s sushi rice is a great option for making sushi at home. It’s a short-grain rice that becomes sticky when cooked, which is perfect for rolling sushi. Make sure to rinse the rice thoroughly before cooking to remove excess starch.

Nori Sheets

Nori sheets are thin, dried seaweed sheets that are used to wrap the sushi rolls. You can find them at most grocery stores or online. Make sure to get high-quality nori sheets that are fresh and not brittle.


The filling options for vegan sushi rolls are endless. Avocado, cucumber, bell peppers, carrots, and mushrooms are all great options. Make sure to slice them thinly so they fit well in the roll.

Bamboo Roller vs. Silicone Rollers

When it comes to rolling sushi, you have a few options. The traditional bamboo roller covered in saran wrap is a classic choice, but silicone rollers are also becoming more popular. Silicone rollers are non-stick and easy to clean, but some people prefer the traditional bamboo roller for its authenticity.

Overall, making vegan sushi rolls at home is a fun and easy way to enjoy this delicious dish. With the right tools and ingredients, you’ll be rolling like a pro in no time!

TJ’s Pre-Made Sushi

Want to skip the work? See if your local TJ has Kimbap…

Trader Joe’s vegan kimbap is a Korean-inspired sushi roll that substitutes traditional animal proteins with seasoned rice and fried tofu. The inclusion of stir-fried vegetables, such as burdock root, adds a savory depth and textural contrast to the rolls, making them a satisfying option for vegans and non-vegans alike.

Preparing Your Vegan Sushi Rolls

Making your own vegan sushi rolls at home is a fun and easy way to enjoy this delicious Japanese dish. With a few simple ingredients, you can create your own customized sushi rolls that are both healthy and tasty. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Cooking Sushi Rice to Perfection

Creating the perfect sushi starts with the rice—it’s the foundation of flavor and texture for your sushi rolls. Trader Joe’s offers sushi rice that is ideal for making delicious vegan sushi at home. Begin by thoroughly rinsing 2 cups of sushi rice under cold water until the water runs clear, which helps to remove excess starch and prevents the rice from becoming too sticky.

Once rinsed, add the rice to a rice cooker with 2 cups of water. If you’re using a rice cooker, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results. If you prefer to cook your rice on the stovetop, place the rinsed rice and water in a pot. Bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat to low, cover, and let it simmer for about 20 minutes, or until the water has been completely absorbed and the rice is tender.

After cooking, the rice needs to be seasoned to give it that signature sushi flavor. Prepare a sushi vinegar mixture by combining ½ cup of rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, and ¼ cup of white sugar. Gently fold this mixture into the cooked rice, being careful not to mash the grains. The seasoned rice should be glossy, sticky, and ready to be used in your sushi rolls.

The Sushi Secret

The secret to making great sushi rice is to season it with a mixture of rice vinegar, sugar, and salt. To make the seasoning, combine 1/4 cup of rice vinegar, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of salt in a small saucepan. Heat the mixture over low heat until the sugar and salt have dissolved. Then, add the seasoning to the cooked rice and stir until well combined.

Cutting Vegetables for Optimal Texture

When it comes to making vegan sushi rolls, the texture of the vegetables is just as important as the flavor. To ensure that your vegetables have the perfect texture, it’s important to cut them into thin, even strips. Use a sharp knife and a cutting board to slice your vegetables into thin matchsticks. Some great options for vegan sushi rolls include avocado, cucumber, bell peppers, and carrots.

Assembling the Rolls with Nori Sheets

To assemble your vegan sushi rolls, you will need nori sheets, which are dried seaweed sheets that are used to wrap the rice and vegetables.

  1. Wrap your bamboo sushi mat with saran wrap to keep rice out of the cracks and to roll easier.
  2. Lay half a nori sheet on a sushi mat, shiny side down.
  3. Spread a thin layer of sushi rice over the nori sheet, leaving a 1-inch border at the top.
  4. Arrange your vegetables in a line across the center of the rice.
  5. Use the sushi mat to tightly roll the nori sheet around the vegetables, using the border at the top to seal the roll.
  6. Then, use a wet knife to slice the roll into 6-8 bite-sized pieces.

Flavor Enhancements and Side Dishes

Crafting the Perfect Sushi Sauce

One of the best things about making your own vegan sushi rolls is the ability to customize the flavors and textures to your liking. One way to do this is by crafting your own sushi sauce. Trader Joe’s has a great selection of ingredients that you can use to make a variety of sushi sauces. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Spicy Mayo: Mix vegan mayo with sriracha sauce to create a spicy mayo that pairs well with avocado, cucumber, and bell pepper rolls.
  • Ponzu Sauce: Combine soy sauce, rice vinegar, and citrus juice (such as lemon or lime) for a tangy and refreshing dipping sauce that complements veggie rolls.
  • Wasabi Mayo: Mix vegan mayo with wasabi paste for a zesty and flavorful sauce that goes well with any type of sushi roll.

Experiment with different ratios and ingredients to find the perfect sushi sauce for you. Don’t be afraid to get creative and try new things!

Complementary Vegan Sides

While vegan sushi rolls can be a satisfying meal on their own, adding some complementary sides can take your sushi experience to the next level. Here are a few ideas for vegan sides that pair well with sushi:

  • Miso Soup: This traditional Japanese soup is made with miso paste and typically includes tofu, seaweed, and green onions. It’s a great way to start your meal and complements the flavors in sushi rolls.
  • Edamame: These steamed soybeans are a classic Japanese appetizer that are high in protein and fiber. They make a great snack or side dish to accompany your sushi rolls.
  • Seaweed Salad: This refreshing and nutritious salad is made with a variety of seaweed, sesame oil, and other seasonings. It’s a great way to add some extra flavor and texture to your meal.

Try out these vegan sides to add some variety and nutrition to your sushi meal. You can find many of these items at Trader Joe’s, making it easy to create a complete and satisfying sushi experience at home.


If you’re new to making vegan sushi rolls, you might have some questions. Here are some answers to common questions about making vegan sushi rolls with Trader Joe’s sushi rice, nori sheets, and veggie rolls.

Can I use regular rice instead of sushi rice?

While you can use regular rice to make sushi, it’s not recommended. Sushi rice is short-grain rice that is stickier and has a higher starch content than regular rice. This stickiness helps the rice hold together when rolled into sushi. Trader Joe’s sushi rice is a great option because it’s already seasoned with rice vinegar, sugar, and salt, which gives it the perfect flavor for sushi.

How do I roll sushi?

Rolling sushi takes some practice, but it’s not as difficult as it might seem. Start by laying a sheet of nori on a sushi mat with the shiny side facing down. Spread a thin layer of sushi rice on top of the nori, leaving a 1-inch border along the top edge. Add your veggies and roll the sushi tightly, using the mat to help you. Wet the top edge of the nori with a bit of water to help it stick. Slice the sushi into pieces and serve with soy sauce and wasabi.

What veggies can I use in vegan sushi rolls?

You can use any veggies you like in vegan sushi rolls. Some popular options include avocado, cucumber, bell peppers, carrots, and radishes. You can also add tofu, mushrooms, or pickled veggies for more flavor and texture. Be sure to slice your veggies thinly so they are easy to roll and eat.

Can I make vegan sushi rolls ahead of time?

Yes, you can make vegan sushi rolls ahead of time, but they are best when eaten fresh. If you need to make them ahead of time, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap and store them in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. When you’re ready to serve them, slice them into pieces and serve with soy sauce and wasabi.